Personal Development at Landewednack

Personal development is woven through all we do at Landewednack - we aim for our children to be independent, empathetic, well-rounded people who are are confident to become active members of our local, national, and global community. 
As part of this, our curriculum, "Learning Means the World", focuses on building children's knowledge and understanding through the lens of global issues of:
Through studying these concepts each year with increasing complexity, children develop an understanding of the world and gain the knowledge and skills needed to understand big issues, and feel confident that they can make a difference in their lives, the local community and the world. 
Throughout their time at school, we plan for our children's spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development (SMSC).
Spiritual - children develop an understanding of different people's faith's and values; have an opportunity to enjoy the natural world, and appreciate a range of human achievement and creativity. 
Examples: RE, trips to the farm, Wild Tribe, visits from members of different faith communities, learning about significant people and their achievement.
Moral - children learn to discern right from wrong; appreciate the views of others; understand the behaviour of themselves and others; understand the consequences of actions and moral dilemmas. 
Examples: Shine values, diamond rules, enrichment PSHE lessons each week based on children making decisions in situations. Part of our "Conflict" learning journey includes learning to resolve our conflicts well, keep to the rules, and develop empathy and diplomacy. In our Communication learning journey children learn to be attentive to others and collaborate in different ways. 
School council, eco-club, behaviour
Social - children learn to socialise, cooperate and communicate confidently with different people in a wide variety of roles. 
Intergenerational project, performance (Christmas play, summer play, leaver's assembly). Through our curriculum units in the "Communication" learning journey, the children learn to avoid conflict through mutual respect and communicate in a positive way. Mixed age classes. Community links (the farm, intergenerational project). After school clubs. Visitors to school. Sarah and Lily 
Cultural - children learn about cultural influences that have shaped the UK. Children can recognise and value common aspects across cultural, religious, ethnic and socio-economic communities. 
Examples: "Culture" learning journey. Definite and identifities the characteristic features of culture, and understand why cultural diversity is important. Talk about a range of cultures around the world. Understand how culture affects perception and behaviour. 
Cornish culture - St Prian's Day, Flora Day, Midsummer bonfire, close links with village, residential trips to city, visit authors, Kestle Barton, Minack theatre performing arts award, song fest. Swiss students. Photos from Around the World topics. 
Our Learning Means The World Curriculum explicitly plans for children to develop the knowledge, understanding and ambition to become active citizens. 
Units include, Law and Order, Unity in the Community, and a culture unit each year that teaches children to understand and celebrate cultures around the world, understand different view points and show sensitivity to others. Our Conservation, Conflict and Community units teach children the importance of showing local and global citizenship.
Development of Character
SHINE values, diamond rules, performances, meeting other people.
Our Learning Means The World curriculum promotes positive character traits by learning about individuals that promote them. For example - Sir Ranulph Fiennes shows creativity, independence, decisiveness and resilience. 
SHINE Cards - star of the week assembly based around values. SHINE award. Competitions, competitive sport, residential, real pe screen shots. 
Wider Opportunities
As we benefit from being in such a rural location, we keenly promote wider opportunities for our children. We frequently take our children on whole class trips, Year 5 and 6 go on a residential trip to a city. 
Children are encouraged to try new skills, they learn to sail, swim, ride their bike, play the ukulele.
Take part in sporting competitions, performing arts award. 
Wild Tribe
Wild Tribe, clubs, competitions, trips, fundraising, calendar, class jobs, prefect roles, sailing, swimming, bikeability. Try new skills
Ukulele lessons
British Values 
Children are taught to understand that democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual tolerance and respect are British Values. 
British value display, coronation, jubilee celebration, votes, 
Inclusion and Equality of Opportunities
Children are taught that nobody should be treated or thought of differently because they belong to a specific group. 
Examples, learning about Mary Seacole, Martin Luther King. Diverse children's books and resources. Our Conflict units include units of learning "You're Not Invited!" and "Wars of the World" which teach children to develop empathy and diplomacy and promote unity. Our culture units promote unity and teach children to identify and challenge racism.  
See also: